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Everyone is sure to have questions. Not sure where to start? Below are some of the most frequently asked questions we receive.

Are there any fees for services?

No. Fourcast services (with the exception of the Back on Track Program) are free and confidential.

Does Fourcast offer in-patient services?

No. However Fourcast is linked to Ontario’s addiction treatment system which can provide access to residential treatment programs. These programs are provincially funded and are free to those clients who meet the provincially mandated criteria.

How do I get referred to a residential treatment program?

In order to access residential treatment programs in Ontario clients are required to complete a standardized assessment. The outcome of this assessment provides the basis for linking clients to the most appropriate level of service to meet their treatment needs. In the event that the assessment indicates that a person would benefit from a residential treatment program Fourcast will make that referral, support the individual while they wait for admission and arrange for ongoing treatment upon completion of the residential treatment option.

What kinds of people use your service?

We see people from all walks of life. From factory workers, to people in retail, to professionals, to stay at home parents. Because our service is funded by the Ministry of Health, there are no financial barriers to receiving service. People who could easily afford private counselling come to us because of our expertise in helping people with substance abuse and gambling problems.

How many appointments can I have?

There is no set amount of appointments for clients. The number and frequency of individual and/or group sessions will be based on decisions you make with your Counsellor.

What happens when I make the first call or visit the office?

You will speak with an Intake Worker who will listen to your concerns and assist you in accessing the most appropriate services for your needs. You do not have to make any commitment at this time but will be given information and support to allow you to determine if our services are right for you.

Do they have to be referred by someone or self?

Fourcast encourages individuals to make the initial contact with an intake worker on their own. This could happen with a phone call or a visit to our agency. Professional referrals are not required to access services however, many community agencies direct their clients to Fourcast.

My family member has an addiction, what services does Fourcast offer for me?

Fourcast offers individual and group counselling opportunities for those affects by another’s substance use or problem gambling.

What do we do in our groups?

There are different types of groups that are offered at Fourcast. Clients are referred into groups by counsellors. The groups range from educational to support groups facilitated by our own counsellors. All group referrals will be made based on the clients interest and ability to participate in this type of treatment option.

What COVID-19 precautions are we taking?

At Fourcast we have provided staff with the required Personal Protective Equipment to keep our staff and clients safe. We have added protective barriers at Reception and continue to keep up-to-date on the current COVID-19 status in Peterborough.