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What is the AODA?

In 2005, the provincial government passed a law called the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) to ensure a more accessible province for people with disabilities. The goal of the AODA is for all of Ontario to be fully accessible by 2025.

What is our Goal?

In Under the AODA, organizations must meet accessibility standards that identify, remove and prevent barriers. Fourcast is committed to becoming fully accessible and compliant in all accessibility standards and in creating a welcoming, barrier-free environment for clients, employees and the general public.

Accessibility Services at Fourcast

Policies and Statement of Commitment

Fourcast has established policies, practices and procedures that outline the provision of its goods and services to people with disabilities. All policies are available upon request in alternative formats. You can contact any employee of Fourcast to request a copy of the following policies:

Use of Assistive devices, service animals and support person(s)

Fourcast understands that clients may require the use of an assistive devices, service animals
and/or support person(s) while accessing the programs and services from the organization. We
welcome all of these supports at all of our locations.

Requests for Information in Alternative or Accessible formats

Fourcast will be happy to provide documentation in an alternative or accessible format. Please contact an employee at Fourcast to make a request and provide us with information on: 

  • What document you are requesting 
  • The format you require 
  • Your preferred method of contact  

Feedback on Accessibility 

Fourcast welcomes your feedback on accessibility to our programs and services. Your feedback
is important to us and provides Fourcast with an opportunity to improve access for people with
To provide feedback, please contact any employee from Fourcast:

All feedback that has been received will be reviewed within seven (7) business days. Follow up will be provided, as requested. If you If you have any questions regarding accessibility services at Fourcast please contact: 

Wendy Beesley  705-876-1292 ext 254 

Service Disruption

Service disruptions may occur due to reasons that may or may not be within the control or knowledge of Fourcast. In the event of any temporary disruptions to facilities or services that clients with disabilities rely on to access or use Fourcast’s services, reasonable efforts will be made to provide advance notice. In some circumstances such as in the situation of unplanned temporary disruptions, advance notice may not be possible. 

In the event of a disruption Fourcast will make every effort reasonable to notify clients as soon as possible. Information will also be posted on the website and at the main entrance doors of the affected location(s).  


Fourcast is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to providing accessible employment practices in compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). Should any applicant require an accommodation through application, interview or selection process please contact our Human Resources Co-ordinator at 705-876-1292 ext 254. 


Training will be provided to

  • All employees and volunteers with Fourcast
  • Every person who participates in developing the policies of Fourcast; and
  • Every other person who provides goods, services, or facilities on behalf of Fourcast

Training Provisions

Regardless of the format, training will cover the following: 

  • A review of the purpose of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. 
  • A review of the requirements of the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service standards 
  • Instructions on how to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities. 
  • Instructions on how to interact with people with disabilities who: 
    • use assistive devices; 
    • require the assistance of a guide dog or other service dog; or 
    • Requires the use of a support person. 
  • Instructions on what to do if a person with a disability is having difficulty accessing our services. 
  • Fourcast’s policies, procedures and practices pertaining to providing accessible customer service to clients with disabilities. 

Training Schedule

Training will be provided to new employees, volunteers, agents and/or contractor during orientation. Revised training will be provided in the event of changes to legislation, policies, procedures and/or practices.